Thursday, March 17, 2011

My dear friend and ex-roommate, Natalie, came to Nashville to visit this weekend. I absolutely love when Natalie comes to visit because we have similar interests and get along perfectly. We went to Hillsboro Village and visited a couple of stores.

This Goethe novel, "The Sorrows of Young Werther" and play, "Goetz von Berlichingen", were purchased at Bookman/Bookwoman, a rare and used bookstore with a HUGE selection of books. Walking into the store, for me, is like walking into heaven. Row after row of books, stacks and piles of books, books everywhere. It's a wonderful atmosphere and I am always able to find exactly what I am looking for. They also have a variety of books in different languages, so I always stop by the German section to pick up a few books to help me work on my (terrible) German.
Used books, already being "green" in the sense that you are literally recycling the books to be used and loved once more after being abandoned by previous owners, are so interesting to me. I love finding notes, messages, and other tiny things that give hints about prior owners and what they did with the books, like these translations in my Goethe books:

We also visited a consignment store called Clothing XChange. I love this store, so much. The prices are extremely cheap and reasonable, and they also help to support local artists by selling original art in their store! I picked up this high-waisted plaid skirt for only 10 dollars.

- Vintage plaid skirt from Clothing XChange
- Belt from Charlotte Russe
- Grey shirt from Forever 21
- Black wedges from Forever 21

1 comment:

  1. Buddy...I love second-hand books for all those same reasons. Also, I didn't realize that you had picked up "The Sorrows of Young Werther" (probably because I don't know any German at all and didn't recognize the title; also I just didn't put two and two together)...
    ANYWAY...that book is really strange and sad...I read it two years ago for a class I was taking then...I think you'll like it... ellipsis...

    I'm glad you had a good time! I'll have to come visit again, soon.
